View downstream.

Back up top on Knife Edge Ridge

Tim on Knife Edge Ridge

Look at the size of the trees on the right of the creek - hundreds of years old!

Wait up boys...

One more shot from the ridge...

Back up top, we did it boys, or should I say men! Good job...

Straight down Knife Edge Ridge

Not that way, off to the left of Knife Edge Ridge

The path back...

The sun is almost down, hiding behind a cloud...

Almost back...

We made it Tim!

Come on open up the car!

Excellent hike aye Frankie... Ya all need to do this yourself. It is an excellent hike. It is dangerous yes, but not bad if you keep it serious, this is not a hike for horseplaying around. Looking forward to October, the birth of my number four son and a trip back here to get some nice autumn color! Yes, James will be staying home for the hike! He will have few years to wait!