Our hike to and down Knife Edge Ridge began at the William W. White American Chestnut Plantation parking lot on Vail Road.

Tim and Frankie heading out on the path to Knife Edge. Unlike the 40 parking lot this area is very clean!

Nice meadow to the right of the path

Yes we see the warnings... thank you much!

As the sigh says - "Hazardous Gorge Area" coming up... and yes we hate litterbugs too. We will bring our garbage out with us!

Okay we are in!

Awesome looking meadows off to the right again!

Nice wildflower I spotted on the path.

Keep going due south, we made the mistake of following a path that turns left. Up yonder in the trees ahead.

This is the path we turned down, nice hike and all but it is due east and not south. I believe this path leads to a pond in the area. We shall see next trip.

A view off to the right of he path - pristine!

This will be great spot in the fall.

Cannot wait to see this tree come autumn. We are off into the woods at this point. Too dark for pictures.

Yes, the top ridge of the north branch, short trip left downstream to Knife Edge Ridge.

Getting closer to our designation.

Power lines crossing over to the central peninsula.