The current Valentine’s Flats area was first deeded by the Holland Land Company to Elisha Derby (pronounce "Darby")
in 1837. The land became known as "Darby Flats." According to old maps, his house was
located just below Overlook Point. In 1900, the land was sold to Ernest and Caroline
Valentine and later became known as "Valentine’s Flats." In 1926, the Valentine property was deeded to Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power
Company. The Valentine family stayed on the farm as tenants
for a time. After the house was no longer occupied, the field in the Flats area was rented out
for bean farming. (source DEC MUA Final Plan)

The Farm area in circa 1947 - photo on left from Martin's Point and the right photo from Lookout Point:
This page last updated
October 23, 2008